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Lisa Redman, Diploma in Life Coaching & Mastermind Student

October 2011 was that “right time” and I was thrilled to complete my intake weekend

Lisa Redman

Lisa Redman

Diploma in Life Coaching

I had looked into doing coaching many years before but knew it was the right time for me to start.

My biggest turning point was completing NLP, HTRSW and Advanced Skills all within a reasonably short time. Together with my nearly a year coaching one to one I now felt fully armed and confident to go to the market with my products. I needed to take the time to become the person I need to be, first and foremost.

“This is how I have created my success”

I have focused consistently on relationship building.

and adding value at every point possible, not just networking events, and whether paid or not. It all comes back to us somehow.

The Mastermind program was the turning point of my journey, it has developed some of my most successful strategies including networking and collaboration with other consultants.

The advice I give to my fellow coaches is: develop your business skills, take action, do research to ensure you have a solid market, be creative and open to learning more and more.

My future is filled with a range of amazing possibilities to set up a blog/website to further develop a community, to collaborate with other consultants to deliver programs, to complete E-disc and provide a E-disc service to provide more value to clients and to run a Workshop with one of my fellow students.

I have never been involved in a more professional, caring, positive and generous community

Sharon has created something really special for students but more than that TCI is making a huge contribution to the success, happiness and harmony for all the people and clients the students touch in their lives. The Ripple Effect.


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