My journey with TCI began in 2012 - I had already enrolled in the Cert. IV course and I took my skeptical partner along to a free TCI event a few weeks before my intake weekend
Mathew Lewis
Certificate IV in Life Coaching
We were both so blown away by the content shared at this event that I immediately upgraded to the Diploma course and my partner enrolled in the Diploma course as well - all before even setting foot in the classroom.
Prior to commencing our studies I’d had a successful career in the travel industry working in senior management roles in well known travel brands in Australia and overseas. Although I was very comfortable financially, I was seeking something more and I thought that coaching would deliver what I was looking for. What I didn’t expect is that coaching would indeed deliver what I was looking for - but that wasn’t to be a career in coaching!
My partner and I initially went down the path of setting up a coaching practise. We were seeing a handful of regular clients within a few months of commencing our studies and I landed a $50K corporate contract after completion of my Cert IV, which was awesome. However, it was our ongoing studies with TCI and our coaching of others that led us to our true calling.
“On a business planning retreat for our coaching business, we came up with the idea of an online business featuring unique and luxury properties around the country, and View Retreats was born. We now feature hundreds of exclusive retreats, lodges and holiday homes around Australia and New Zealand, and our brand awareness and customer base is growing every day”
Mathew Lewis
Certificate IV in Life Coaching
Using our past experience in the travel industry and the knowledge we have learned during our studies we have set up an online business that is largely automated, allowing us to fulfil our dream of travelling the world and working wherever we want. At the time of writing this we we’re in the middle of a 6 month stay in South East Asia, basing ourselves in a different location each month - something we thought was impossible only a few months ago.
The learnings that we gained from our coaching studies were invaluable in helping us to realise our dream and are far too innumerable to mention here. But importantly our studies enabled us to overcome our fears of creating the life that we’d always dreamed of. They also instilled in us a passion for life long learning that we will always be grateful for.
Mathew Lewis
Certificate IV in Life Coaching